midwest humor

Midwest Christmas Party

Midwest Nice-Off

Midwest Nice Part 2

Midwest Mean #Shorts

How God Plans Midwest Weather #shorts

Midwest Guy in Boston

Midwest Spelling Bee #Shorts

Midwest Siri #Shorts

Midwest 4-Way Stop #shorts

Midwest Nice #shorts

Growing Up in the Midwest #comedy #standup #jokes #funny

Midwest grocery stores are too nice

When Midwest Neighbor Has Family In Town

Midwest Spelling Bee #shorts

The Midwestern accent. #midwest #kwiktrip #wisconsin #minnesota

Midwest funeral #shorts

Midwest Slasher #shorts

The Midwest Goodbye #shorts

Dressing for Fall in the Midwest #shorts

Is Pittsburgh part of the Midwest? #shorts

Midwest Rude #Shorts

Midwest Guy in NYC #shorts

Midwest Snow Day vs. East Coast Snow Day #shorts

Midwest Nice-Off #Shorts